Used injection molding machines
Spare parts online Shop
Repair + Service
Machinery purchase and Sale

Reza Zadeh 

We are engaged in the market for used plastic processing machines and complete production lines. Our speciality is the purchase and sale of used injection molding machines, all sizes.

Our scope of delivery includes also Robots, conveyors, grinders, dosing units as well as periphery devices.
In our 3000 m² warehouse we have permanently machines available in different sizes which we can show our customers in dry cycle.


Our service includes consulting, proposition and supply of such machines as well as installation and start-up.

A further strength of our service is based on a very large stock of spare parts, which allows us to offer a broad range of items with low prices and personal consultation about your specific requirements.

Reza Zadeh procures and supplies spare parts also for very old machines and otherwise discontinued machines. We have more than 10000 registered spare parts and components that are always ready for delivery within 24 hours.